
(Almost) all Zelda titles are (post) apocalyptic (some spoilers)

Some time ago I wrote a (German) critic of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

I also touched the topic of it being post-apocalyptic, however, when I reread it recently, I realized in most Zelda-Games an apocalypse is a central element of the world-building

Let's ignore the first 2 games - they do not have a lot of world-building. (One could argue however  as "it is dangerous to go alone" some form of apocalypse has happended.)

Link to the past: The apocalypse has already happend in the (former Sacred, now) Dark real, and Link has to prevent it in the "real" world.

Ocarina of Time: The future timeline is obviously post-apocalpytic.

Majora's Mask: In every cycle, the Moon destroys everything.

Windwaker/Phantom Hourglass/Spirit tracks all take place after the apocalyptic Deluge.

Twilight Princess: Here the apocalypse is just starting and can be stopped.

Skyward Sword/Oracles of Season/Ages/Minish Cap: I have not played them in a long time, so I believe there is no apocalypse here.

Link's Awakening: The only purpose of the game is to start the world-ending apocalpyse to the island.

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