
After the Pokemon-Controversy, shall I cancel my preorder? - YES!

edit: This controversy is already over - you can ignore older posts and just read the most recent one.

The new Pokémon Game is disappointing long-time fans of the series and the makers could not care less (for a quick summary see here), and YES, you should cancel your preorder. Why didn't you already?

But ask yourself, why do you even pre-order?

You buy something, which quality you can not yet judge, but pay full price.
Obviously you do not believe in capitalism, because for capitalism requires both parties to be informed.

Games are not scarce at launch anymore, because you can get everything via download now.
"Special editions" are usually overpriced and add nothing of worth.

There is no advantage for you, as a consumer, for preordering.

And if you want support Indiegames and small studios, use crowdfunding.

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